Climate Action
Adaptation and MitigationClimate Action
We identify and support actions that manage the risks associated with climate change. We develop and catalyze implementation of local “Climate Action Plans” to help cities and communities prepare for unavoidable changes in human and natural systems through adaptation. Examples of this support might be flood control, urban heat island reduction, urban forestation programs.
Our mitigation support includes planning and implementation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Efforts may include energy efficient buildings, nature-based initiatives, EV charging stations and solar. We assist local municipalities and communities in developing cost-effective strategies to reduce their carbon footprint and rely on local experts to create individualized plans and specific actions.
Urban Heat Island
“Going green for a Cool, Healthy Jackson” is a nature-based solution that addresses Urban Heat Islands in the formerly redlined district of Farish Street, an overburdened and underserved community in Jackson, Mississippi. It is a grassroots-led initiative supported by local and national experts and is generously funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Flooding in Jackson
Flooding can be controlled by strategically designed and placed green infrastructure.This project which is co-developed with the community, provides a system of flood mitigating micro-parks that replace abandoned and dilapidated properties in West Jackson. It is a cost-effective approach with many potential benefits.
Community Solar
2˚C Mississippi is working towards establishing the first community solar project in Mississippi for low-income residents. In this effort we partnered with the Department of Energy through the National Community Solar Partnership. We are also receiving technical assistance from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to establish Virtual Net Metering in the state.
Funding Partners
Resource Partners
Community Engagement
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Jan 27
Farish Street Historic District Community Meeting
212-B Draperton Court
Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157
Open Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:15am – 5pm (Central Time)
Weekends: As Needed
Holidays: Closed